Monday, August 15, 2011

Update: Disclosure, Myths and other "things"

As I am currently working on my first foray into the field (yes, I am writing a book) this post will be brief and to the point.

Disclosure: will only happen once it is forced. The way of forcing disclosure is for citizen science to come to the forefront and "prove" as much as possible that the ETH is not only the most viable hypothesis, but in fact the only hypothesis.

Myths: Joseph Campbell, in an interview once stated that there were no "aliens" nor "ufos". All ufos were a product of man; either from the collective unconscious or technology. Now, I do understand this point of view: the world's lexicon of myths, religions, beliefs are fertile to say the least. We have used imagery which is very much akin to most ufo sightings. In fact, the vast majority of abduction cases echo the great myths of yore almost to the letter. However, because we have used these images to explain natural phenomenon (from floods to shooting stars) does not in itself preclude the existence of extraterrestrials. If anything, it shows the human imagination, and thus the collective unconscious is quite capable of assimilating new, and perhaps exotic life forms. One thing I would take away from the late Joseph Campbell's work though, is that if/when contact is made, the "new" faces should not be looked to for salvation: as more than likely they will be mortal creatures much as we are, and prone to the same failures of flesh.

Things: As noted above, I have been working on my first foray into the field. Subsequently, I have been doing a lot of reading, trying to get my head around some of the more obtuse "weirdness" which is prevalent in this field. Along my journeys I have come across a handful of interesting "things" which don't exactly fit into what I am currently working on. Below you will find a collection of links and other such stuff for your enjoyment.

Links of Interest.

1. Ocean Explorer These are the guys who have found "something" in the north sea.

2. The Anomalist One of the best news collection sties out there.

Stay tuned for future updates.

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