Monday, June 6, 2011

ETIs and The Incompleteness Theorem.

In last week's post, I commented on the improbability of Extraterrestrial Intelligences (ETIs) being able to stop by our planet on a "whim" and settle down for a chat and probing. The doubt arises from the ability of any sentient being to be able to "know" a completely foreign language (without even the most rudimentary basis of comparisons) and use to it convey anything of meaning. However, the last post did not state it was impossible, and more importantly did state that after some time, some type of mutual "meaningful" communication might be had. I further contended that even the seemingly universal language of mathematics might not be enough, due to our incomplete understanding or the very real possibility that two sets of sciences, mutually exclusive, developed in isolation from one another may turn out to be incompatible; at least in the short term. This incompatibility, brings us to the thrust of this weeks post: Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorem.

Kurt Gödel's incompleteness theorem in essence states:

1. If the system is consistent, it cannot be complete.
2. The consistency of the axioms cannot be proven within the system.

or in other words: It is possible to have a true statement (mathematically) not only without proof, but by its very nature unable to be proven. Now, most mathematicians will shudder at the next few lines; and I do not intend to convolve this theorem with some misguided attempt to "prove" ETIs, UAPs, UFOs exist; rather, I would like to offer the following more as a thinking point, an intellectual nugget to ponder. If these phenomenon are dimensional in nature, as some would contend: how could their existence(or lack there of) be proven without a complete dimensional model? It would seem this argument alone necessitates an agnostic approach to all UAP/UFO phenomenon; as to dismiss these events out of hand, would seem premature and counter logical.

I will not draw this post out, as there are "things" afoot! Hopefully, by next week I will have some things of import to discuss.

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