Monday, June 27, 2011


A total of 19 countries have officially engaged in UFO/UAP investigation and research. Some of these countries have subsequently released files to the public. Either there is something behind UAP/UFO if it be natural, or other. Otherwise, if there isn't then this is the worlds largest delusion, a delusion beyond an Jungian meta-crisis. The magnitude of such a shared delusion, reaching every corner of the globe, would in itself be more unbelievable than the ETH for UFO/UAP.

-Food for thought.

Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, France, Ecuador, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Spain, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA.

And these are only the countries who have "officially" investigated and released documentation, presumably, the actual number is much greater.

In other news, we are still trying to form an open science project to actively (as opposed to the passive collection of data points) research these phenomenon. Any and all suggestions are welcomed.

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